It is one of the most common reasons.

Tear Trough Treatment in Hyderabad

Tear trough is a hollowness groove that extends from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner of the eye. It is seen when there is a loss of volume, commonly seen with increased age or weight loss. It is seen as a dark shadow over the lower part of the eyelid, giving the appearance of dark circles. When it is puffy or swollen, it creates a distinction between the lower eyelid and the cheek. It can be seen in all ages, but it is one of the common signs of aging, because of the thinning skin and drooping of the lower eyelid.

It is one of the most common reasons for dark circle/periorbital hyperpigmentation. Reasons are laxity of skin, excessive weight loss, prolapse of nasal fat, fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, thinning of the skin, sunrays (UV rays) etc. It gives the face a dull, fatigue look.

Tear Trough treatment
Tear Trough Treatment
The most effective way to treat tear trough hollowness is by injecting a Dermal fillers. These fillers are injected under the eyes, to replenish the lost volume making the skin look fuller and tighter. Commonly done fillers are hyaluronic acid or subcutaneous fat. The quality of the skin is also improved cause of the increase in collagen production. It is one of the most common procedures done for periorbital rejuvenation.
Here at FMS Skin and Hair Clinics, after an initial assessment of the face, The procedure is done with a team of Dermatologists and Maxillo-Facial surgeons for cosmetically better-looking skin.


Tear trough is the hollowness groove which extends from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner of the eye. It is seen when there is loss of volume, commonly seen with increased age or weight loss.

Fillers like Hyaluronic Acid fillers are injected into the tear trough to create a fullness to replenish the lost volume to make the skin look fuller and tighter.

Fillers are FDA-approved procedures that are done by board certified Dermatologist. When done by an experienced person, it is a completely safe procedure.

There may be mild bruising following the procedure. Other side-effects rarely countered may be infection, allergies, bleeding etc.

Tear Trough treatment lasts for 9-18 months.

When done by expertise, it gives a completely rejuvenated-looking skin.