cellulite can appear anywhere on the body most commonly appear on buttocks!!

Cellulite is a very common cosmetic problem that effects above 80% – 90% of the women in their lifetime and rarely men . Cellulite Is caused when connective tissues beneath the skin surrounding fat cells become tight and rigid. The skin appears to have areas with underlying fat deposits , giving it a dimpled and lumpy appearance at the skin level. This effect can be exacerbated by thin skin which makes it appear more prominent . Cellulite are more closed related to hormonal changes , diet , genetic factor and other lifestyle factor.

Cellulite can affect people of all ages and size its not necessarily fat problem, but rather a skin structure problem . cellulite can appear anywhere on the body most commonly appear on buttocks , thighs , hips , back , upper arm or where ever fat deposits are most concentrated.

Best Cellulite Treatment Near Me In Hyderabad @FMS


  • Cryo therapy
  • HIFU (ultrasound)
  • Lasers
  • Radio Frequency
  • Cometic injectables
  • PRP