Why Follicular Unit Extraction [FUE] is Most Preferred Hair Transplant Technique – and Its Multifaceted Utilities

FUE Hair Transplant Technique

Follicular Unit Extraction [FUE]  Hair Transplant is a popular hair restoration surgery that is minimally invasive. It is known for its utility in male pattern baldness/ androgenetic alopecia (AGA). In this procedure, individual follicular grafts are extracted from a donor area anareis implanted in the recipient area. 

Benefits of FUE Hair Transplant Technique include:

Lesser pain

There is little pain after an FUE procedure. Your scalp is numbed during the procedure using local anesthetics, and pain alleviators, like acetaminophen, are enough after your procedure. Almost all patients report no more pain after 24 hours. 

Little Scarring

If you have or want to keep your hair short, then FUE is the procedure. The extraction sites during the FUE procedure are so tiny, that any scarring is imperceptible. The extraction sites close up on their own and heal in only a few days after your procedure — with very minimal noticeable scarring.

In-Office Procedure

FUE is an in-office procedure. The entire FUE hair transplant is performed under local anesthesia and ca n be completed within 6-8 hours which does not require any hospital admission.

Faster recovery

FUE technique is a great way to restore your hair without losing working hours in recovery. You can resume most of your normal daily activities in about two to three days. You won’t have any stitches to worry about, and the temporary bandage is removed within 24hours after your procedure. There are washing instructions to follow as your scalp heals and your hair grows which are not cumbersome.

One procedure, many uses

FUE is popular in androgenetic alopecia for hair restoration. “out-of-the-box” utility of FUE in dermatological indications includes facial hair restoration, body hair transplant, stable vitiligo, and scarring alopecia, traction alopecia, alopecia areata, burns scar, surgical scars.

Consult FMS Skin & Hair Clinic for all hair-related issues. Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Hyderabad
To Book Appointment. Please call us or WhatsApp at 8885060760 Or Email Us at [email protected]


Author: Dr. Swathi

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