How Dermal Fillers Treatment Helps In Getting Younger Looking Skin

dermal fillers treatment

Our faces naturally change with age, and those differences might include loss of fat over the cheekbones, nasolabial folds, and sunken eyes. One can reverse the age and get younger-looking skin by using Dermal Fillers or Facial Fillers which are medical device implants approved by the FDA for use in helping to create a smoother and /or fuller appearance on the face. 

There are several categories of dermal fillers, and they are all generally administered in the same way. Before choosing to have any type of cosmetic procedure, It‘s important to understand the process, pros, and cons of the treatment. In this article, you will find information experts think you should know about Dermal Fillers Treatment.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal Fillers are gel-like substances that is injected under the skin to smoothen out the wrinkles and restore the lost volume in the muscles. They make the injected area appear plump, smooth, and youthful.

According to the FDA, depending on the material there are four categories of fillers: 

  1. Hyaluronic Acid: Naturally produced by the body and found in skin and cartilage. Generally, fillers made with hyaluronic acid last between 6-12 months. It is the most commonly used filler due to its duration 
  2. Calcium Hydroxylapatite: It’s a mineral that is found in our bones. Fillers made with it last up to 18 months. 
  3. Poly-L-Lactic acid: It is a biodegradable synthetic material that also used to make medical products like dissolvable stitches. These products are technically classified as “collagen stimulators”. The fillers last up to two years.  
  4. Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA): It is a semi-permanent filler used to treat deep wrinkles, scar pits, and thinning lips. PMMA takes the form of a “microsphere” or tiny ball, that remains beneath the skin indefinitely to provide continued support.

Who are the right candidates for Dermal Fillers treatment.

  1. Both male and female adult who is physically fit.
  2. Anyone who has noticed a loss of volume and sagging over the face and wishes to treat them.
  3. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are not allowed.
  4. A person who is allergic to any form of dermal fillers or ingredient should not opt for this treatment.

What happens before a Dermal Fillers procedure?

The board-certified doctor will ask you about your medical history before proceeding for Dermal fillers treatment and its important to inform the doctor about your regular medications, as some drugs can increase the risk of complications after getting the fillers, and also one must stop using exfoliating agents over the skin prior to the procedure. 

What happens during the procedure?

The doctor will examine the face and ask about your area of concern to be enhanced. They may also take pictures of your face. The doctor will mark the injection sites. He will then proceed to clean –up the injection sites with a strong antibacterial agent. 

The patient is either given local anesthesia at the injection site or topical anesthetic ointment that is applied to the skin. This makes the skin numb and ready for the injection. 

Finally, the doctor will inject the necessary quantities of the filler over the marked area and evaluates whether more quantity is necessary. 

A dermal filler generally involves multiple injection sites.

What are the Post -Procedure instructions for Dermal Fillers Treatment?

An ice pack is suggested to the patient in case of any swelling or discomfort occurs. Patients can resume normal activities immediately but we strongly advise patients not to perform activities that tire them out like exercise, hiking, or any sports-based activities. Such activities should be avoided at least 48 hours after the procedure. 

Avoid undergoing any dental procedure after the fillers treatment to prevent the fillers from spreading and settling in the wrong positions.

What are the side effects of the Dermal Fillers?

  1. Acne like skin eruptions 
  2. Facial asymmetry, if not performed by a Board Certified Doctor
  3. Bruising at the injection site  
  4. Bleeding from the injection site
  5. Swelling 
  6. Unnatural lumps on the face 
  7. Blindness, if not injected correctly 
  8. Skin rash with itching 

Getting Dermal Fillers Treatment by a Certified Doctor

With the help of an experienced, qualified provider, injectable fillers can provide natural-looking enhancements to help you feel more confident in your appearance. If you’re ready to get a filler for younger-looking skin, the next step is to meet with a board-certified doctor for a consultation. 

Consult FMS Skin & Hair Clinic,  For Dermal Fillers and other Anti Aging Treatments.  Best Skin Clinic in Hyderabad for Advanced Skin Care Treatments

To Book Appointment. Please call us or WhatsApp at 8885060760 Or Email Us at [email protected]


Author: DR. Harika

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